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Valentines Day Canadian Style

In previous years Jess and I have not really cared too much about Valentines Day however for our first Canadian Valentines we thought we should try and plan a nice day and have a bit of fun. We were both scheduled to work on February 14th, however as we worked a public holiday on the Monday we did both have February the 13th off as a day in lieu.

We began our day by going out for brunch at a café in downtown Vancouver called JAM Café. Unlike in Perth where there is a café serving brunch on practically every street corner, places that serve decent brunch are few and far between in Vancouver. As such there are long lines to get in no matter what day of the week you go. After a 45 minute wait in line we finally made our way into the café and started off with some coffee. As it was Shrove Tuesday(a.k.a Pancake Tuesday) we both decided we had to have pancakes for brunch. Jess went with a fusion of savoury and sweet with pulled pork pancakes and I went with the more traditional sweet style with red velvet pancakes. Both were definitely worth the 45 minute wait in line.

Once our pancakes had been inhaled, we made our way to the other side of downtown Vancouver to go ice skating at Robson square. Thankfully there were very few people compared to the other times we went at Christmas and New Years eve so we could hang on to the side if the rink to prevent ourselves falling over without impeding the other skaters. By the end of the hour of skating we were not the worst skaters on the ice which was a good confidence boost.

We then decided to go for a romantic walk along the seawall (think foreshore in Perth) to Stanley Park. As we were right next to the water it was bitterly cold so once we arrived in Stanley Park we made our way to the Vancouver Aquarium gift shop to warm up. Once we were back to a normal temperature we explored Stanley Park for a while before heading back into downtown to grab some dinner.

Dinner was then spent at a lovely all you can eat poutine restaurant called La Belle Petite. The menu consisted of over 40 different poutine recipes involving all sorts of combinations of meat, cheese, chips and gravy. All the poutine flavours are offered in small, medium, large or all you can eat options however once we finished a large each, we had no idea how anyone would be able to order all you can eat.

We then rolled home to bed to prepare for another long day of work the next day

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